Release Notes

Release: 0.1.14

Features and bug fixes

  1. Fixed integration - #36 #40
  2. Fixed coverage reporting in parallel mode - #40
  3. Fixed duplicated traceback information on errors - #42
  4. Fixed difficult to trace error messages with expected parameters - #41
  5. Added support for execution of specter through Coverage (i.e. coverage run -m specter)

Release: 0.1.13

Features and bug fixes

  1. Added clean test state per suite - #37 #13
  2. Added basic parallel testing - #3
  3. Fixed xUnit test class path
  4. Fixed standard reporter to not be red all the time - #28
  5. Fixed be_in() assertion - #34
  6. Fixed metadata decorator not re-raising assertions - #35

Release: 0.1.12

Features and bug fixes

  1. Fixing packaging issue where it wasn’t including the specter.reporting package.

Release: 0.1.11

Special thanks to John Wood for his contributions to this release!

Features and bug fixes

  1. Fixed Jenkins unicode error - #27
  2. Refactored reporting system to be plugin centric - #21
  3. Added no-color mode for CI systems - #19
  4. Added xUnit output reporter - #10
  5. Added duplication filter on data-driven dataset items - #6
  6. Added console output of parameters on a failed data-driven test - #2
  7. Added error line indicator on tracebacks
  8. Added checks and x’s as pass/fail indicators