Using Specter


You can download Specter from PyPI for easy installation. It is recommended that you use pip or easy_install to install the bindings:

pip install specter

You may consider using virtualenv or pyenv to create isolated Python environments.


By default, Specter looks within the current directory for a folder called “spec” which contains your test files

Example Default Test Structure:

    └── spec
        ├── submodule

If you do not which to use the default folder, you can specific an alternative using the "--search" command-line argument:

specter --search /path/to/folder


Specter allows for quick and easy execution of your tests by just calling ‘specter’ within your project folder:

        _/ @@\
    ~- ( \  O/__     Specter
    ~-  \    \__)   ~~~~~~~~~~
    ~-  /     \     Keeping the Bogeyman away from your code!
    ~- /      _\

  ∟ this is a test spec

------- Summary --------
Pass            | 1
Skip            | 0
Fail            | 0
Error           | 0
Incomplete      | 0
Test Total      | 1
 - Expectations | 1


Command-line Arguments

Specter is a spec-based testing library to help facilitate BDD in Python.

Argument Description
-h, –help Show console help
–search PATH Specifies the search path for spec files
–no-art Disables the ASCII art on the runner
–coverage Enables integration. Configure using .coveragerc
–select-module Selects a module path to run. Ex: spec.sample.TestClass
–select-tests Selects tests to run by name. (Comma delimited list)
–select-by-metadata Selects tests to run by specifying a list of key=value pairs
–xunit-results Output xUnit XML results into a specified file
–json-results Saves Specter JSON results into a specifed file
–no-color Disables ASCII color codes
–parallel Activates parallel testing mode
–num-processes Specifies the number of processes to use under parallel mode (default: 6)
–show-all-expects Displays all expectations for test cases